My compulsive behavior makes me want to read many books one page at a time for long periods of time. This is how I read, unless I really get into a book :)))))))))))) like Bukowski.
First off though, go to youtube and play this while reading.
Book Club Monday delves deep into the books I've read over some time.
Mason and Dixon ( Thomas Pynchon )- Ive had to put this book down for a bit because of other things but from the first chapter Ive liked what Ive seen. Sort of a "gonzo" re-imagining of Mason and Dixon, the surveyors who were responsible for the surveying of the borders of early North America.
Geneology of Morals (Nietzsche)-Nietzsche's various essays. Alot of boring blah blah blah. I know what he has to say is important but now i know why its an SIUE textbook.
Man in the High Castle (Philip K. Dick)-Dick's Hugo Award winning masterpiece is a good read. Not as in your face as VALIS, but the idea of an occupied America by Japan and Germany great. The last surviving Jews live under aliases and have had plastic surgery to not appear jewish. This book reminds me of the paranoia, violence, and god-like power of technology of this age. The Mediterranean Sea is drained for farmland and Africa is a nuclear wasteland.
Book Club Monday reminds me of how it amazes me how some people cannot spell. (forgive me for my spelling this is a rather informal medium).
This guy i work with has twice amazed me with words he cannot spell along with customers.
Dairy guy-dude how do you spell juice? Jewse? right
Dairy guy-dude how do you spell minute? Minet?
customer-hey man can you read this and tell me what it is?
me-yeah thats crouton.
customer-oh man thanks can you tell me where that is?
customers girlfriend-baby did he help you out with that word?
And have a great day.
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