Friday, March 11, 2011

The WEEKLY Top Five

The first post of the week will be the Top Five. This week is the top five movies I almost got sucked into, but bailed at the last minute.

5-Patton-This little gem starring George C. Scott is always on like clockwork when I stop by my parents after work to steal food. My dad seems to watch this movie everyday, I dont know why. Dad is always passed out when its on and I'm usually walking in on the same scene over and over again. Come on dad find another movie.

4-Stripes-This movie isn't bad but it's a movie you need to be in the mood to watch. The mud wrestling scene is funny but sad at the same time because John Candy looks like Vincent Donofrio in Full Metal Jacket sans soap beating. The only funny part of that movie is the end with the magazines where they interview Harold Ramis and it reads "He says the Reds are pussies".

3-The Ugly Truth- This Gerard Butler epic fail seemed to make me laugh every time Gerard Butler spoke. The more I delved in the more I knew this movie was too good to be true so I bailed.

2-Jaws-This movie was a favorite of mine years ago. I'm burned out, I'm tired, I'm done with Jaws. I never realized how damn long that movie was and alot of it was filled with sharks not eating people. Maybe I'll watch Jaws 2.


1-The Fast and the Furious-I was really tired today and this stick spore was on tv. I was paralized, i couldnt look away. I froze, like a tsunami wave (too soon?) coming right at me. Luckily my brother called and I bailed and went and played hockey.

The End.

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